16 April 2012

RUMOUR: iPad Mini

A new 7 inch "Mini" iPad is rumoured to be releasing in Q3 of this year with 6 million units already being readied for shipping according to an unnamed Samsung official cited in Korea Times.

This 7 inch iPad is to have a price of less than $250, and compete with the various Windows 8 and Android tablets being released this year. This is great news for people looking to buy an iPad but don't have quite enough money to get one or think the screen on the current one is to big for their comfort.

The new iPad "Mini" will apparently sport a 7.85 inch screen with a resolution of 1024x768, reportedly being powered by a 1Ghz dual-core processor and will come in 8Gb, 16Gb and maybe 32Gb variants.

What are your thoughts on the iPad "Mini"?

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