5 May 2012

LG Optimus LTE2

LG has today just announced their successor to the Optimus LTE -The Optimus LTE2. This comes on the same day that Samsung unveiled their new flagship Galaxy SIII.

As "revolutionary" as the Galaxy S3 was, there was nothing that really sparked a riot when it came to specifications. On the other hand, LG have managed to cram 2GBs of RAM in the LTE2 making it better at multitasking than the S3 already.

Other specs include a "True HD" IPS display with a unconfirmed resolution of 1280x720. LTE compatibility has led some to believe that the device will come with a dual-core Snapdragon S4 processor. The device has however a confirmed battery capacity of 2,150mAh. LG has said that this combination means this device will last 40 percent longer than it's predecessor.

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