Today, HTC has announced a follow up to their flagship One X device, named the One X+ it features a fast processor, bigger battery and Android 4.1 "Jelly Bean" out of the box with HTC's new version of Sense (4+). This comes a day after a leak revealed all of the specs which spoiled this smartphones unveiling for me.
The new One X+features the same 4.7-inch SuperLCD2 display with a resolution of 720x1280, powered by a faster Nvidia Tegra 3 quad-core processor clocked at a mighty 1.7GHz (up from 1.5GHz) paired with a gig of RAM. Camera's include the original 8-megapixel rear-facing camera but the front-facing camera has been upgraded to 1.6-megapixel. 32GB or 64GB of storage is offered but can't be expanded.
Pricing is at £479.99 on PAYG from O2 in the UK, the handset should be released in time for the holiday season, contract details haven't been released as of now.
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