30 June 2012

Pros and Cons of Nexus 7's specs...

Okay, we all have our opinions as to weather the Nexus 7 tablet by Google & Asus will either fail or be a great hit on the market. Here is a list of pros and cons of what the Nexus 7 tablet offers. Before writing this, I read reviews, comments and have looked over the specs myself, so this can be taken as a summary of opinions.

- Nvidia Tegra 3 processor (with 12 core GPU)
- High resolution screen (216PPI)
- Jelly Bean out of the box and bound to receive update to next major version of Android.
- Very cheap ($199/£159 for 8GB, $249/£199 for 16GB)
- NFC, can be used to share stuff and pay for stuff.

- No MicroSD card (will have to rely on cloud storage, but then have to rely on internet being available if on the go)
- No Flash player (Adobe announced that they will not support the next iteration of the Android OS)
- No rear-facing camera (Some people including me like to have this feature.)
- Not 3G/4G compatible (may be able to sort using a 3G dongle

Pros or at least what I think are the pros of the Nexus 7 out-weight cons but some cons will be a deal breaker for some people nevertheless. For me, no Micro-SD card is a deal breaker but I have resolved this situation with cloud storage but I have to rely on places I'm visiting having WiFi available for me to use to access files. 

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